Commguard Secure E-mail Communication for Industry Professionals





You downloaded your Certificate from the Secure Digital website, but you can’t find it on your Desktop. Where is it?

You might have saved your Certificate to another location on your PC, such as “My Documents” or some other folder. To find your Certificate, start the search utility (usually in Start / Find or Start / Search then Files or Folders) and type *.p12 (no spaces) in the Name field. Secure Digital Certificates are usually in Firstname_Lastname.p12 format.


When you try to download your Certificate, I get the following error message:

Certificate already picked up

The Certificate has been already accepted and picked up by you once

You can pick up the Certificate only once

Please contact us at



In the Account Properties window, when you click the Select button in the Security tab, the Select Certificate window is empty, even though you had successfully installed your certificate to the Windows Certificate Store.

There are 3 possible causes of this problem:

1. You have not successfully installed Certificate to the Windows Certificate Store. To check, in the Internet Explorer click Tools / Internet Options / Content / Certificates. Your Secure Digital Certificate should be listed in the Personal tab. If it is not, go back to Step 2: Setting up Outlook Express 5.x and 6.x for Secure Digital.

2. If you have more than one e-mail account in your Outlook Express, try repeating the procedure for the account that your Secure Digital Certificate has been issued to: in Tools / Accounts, select the account your Secure Digital Certificate has been issued for and then click Properties / Security / Select and you should see your Certificate listed in the Select Certificate window.

3. Your e-mail account does not match your e-mail address in your Certificate. To check your e-mail address in your certificate:

a) in the Internet Explorer click Tools / Internet Options / Content / Certificates. Your Secure Digital Certificate should be listed in the Personal tab.

b) Select your Certificate and click the View button. You should get the Certificate window.

c) Click the Details tab and then in the Field column click Subject. The lower part of the Certificate window will display your personal information. The "E" field is e-mail address. Please check whether it matches your e-mail address and if not, contact us at


When you try to send a digitally signed message, but you are getting the following message: You can’t send digitally signed messages because you do not have a digital ID for this account.

You either have not setup Outlook Express to use your Certificate, or your e-mail address is not identical to the e-mail address in your Certificate. To check e-mail address in your certificate:

a) in the Internet Explorer click Tools / Internet Options / Content / Certificates. Your Secure Digital Certificate should be listed in the Personal tab.

b) Select your Certificate and click the View button. You should get the Certificate window.

c) Click the Details tab and then in the Field column click Subject. The lower part of the Certificate window will display your personal information. The "E =" field is e-mail address. Please check whether it matches your e-mail address and if not, contact us at

For instructions how to setup Outlook Express to use your Secure Digital Certificate go to Step 2: Setting up Outlook Express 5.x and 6.x for Secure Digital.

You are trying to send an encrypted e-mail but you are getting the following error message: Outlook Express was unable to locate the Digital ID of the following recipients.

The message means that you do not have Digital Certificates (i.e. public keys) for one or more of the intended recipients (they are listed in the error message window). To add somebody's Digital Certificate to your address book, you must first receive a digitally signed message from that person (instructions how to add sender's public key to your address book are available in Step 3: Certificate Use - Outlook Express 5.x and 6.x as well as how to Automatically adding sender's Digital Certificate to your address book). Note: the Recipient's public key is valid ONLY for the e-mail address it is issued for, and not for any other e-mail addresses that person might have.



When you click the Choose button in the Change Security Settings window, the Select Certificate window is empty.

You probably have not installed your Certificate to the Windows Certificate Store. To check this, in the Internet Explorer click Tools / Internet Options / Content / Certificates. Your Secure Digital certificate should be listed in the Personal tab. If it is not there, you have to install it. You can find instructions in Step 2: Certificate Setup - Outlook 2000.

When you try to send a digitally signed message, the “Add digital signature to outgoing message” checkbox in the Message Options window is disabled.

To check this if your Outlook is setup for Secure Digital:

a) in the Tools menu, click Options / Security
b) the Default Security Setting box should be enabled (not grayed-out) and some text should be in it. If it is grayed-out or empty, see Outlook 2000 setup instructions  in Step 2: Certificate Setup - Outlook 2000.

Recipients receive blank messages from senders who use Outlook 2000 and send messages in HTML format.

Unfortunately, there is a bug in Outlook 2000 and to date, it hasn't been fixed. The recipient should ask the sender to re-send the message in Rich Text or Plan Text format.



When you click the Choose button in the Change Security Settings window, the Select Certificate window is empty.

You probably have not installed your certificate to Windows Certificate Store. To check this, in your Internet Explorer click Tools / Internet Options / Content / Certificates. Your Secure Digital certificate should be listed in the Personal tab. If it is not there, you have to install it. You can find instructions in Step 2: Certificate Setup -  Outlook 2002/XP.

When you try to send a digitally signed message, the "Add digital signature to outgoing message" checkbox in Message Options/Security Settings is disabled.

To check this if your Outlook is setup for Secure Digital:

a) in the Tools menu click Options / Security
b) the Default Security Setting box should be enabled (not grayed-out) and some text should be in it. If it is grayed-out or empty, see Outlook 2002/XP setup instructions in Step 2: Certificate Setup -  Outlook 2002/XP


When I receive a digitally signed message and try to add the sender to my address book, I get "1024: Operation failed" error.

Most likely, the sender is using either Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, and his Name is in format. Outlook adds a double quotation mark (") in front of the sender's first name, which causes an error message to appear in Lotus Notes. We recommend you ask the sender to change his Name setting in his e-mail account configuration to "Firstname Lastname" format and to resend the message digitally signed.

When I receive a digitally signed message from a sender whose Name ends with a dot (.), his Digital Certificate is not added to my address book.

Ask the sender to remove the dot (.) from the Name setting in his e-mail account configuration and to resend the message digitally signed.

If you have any questions, contact us at:

Toll Free: 1-866-388-CTEC (2832)
Tel: 604-688-1616
Fax: 604-777-8808

(c) Secure Digital Inc.  All rights reserved.