Commguard Secure E-mail Communication for Industry Professionals
How does securedigitalTM compare to the competition?

Simply stated, there is no comparison. Only securedigitalTM integrates all of these core features as a standard part of its "total solutionTM":
  • Customized Solutions - securedigitalTM can be customized to meet the specific needs of any size firm and associated client/customer base, without additional capital investment in the existing IT infrastructure.
  • Full Deployment & Management Services - securedigitalTM is a fully managed, secure Internet communication solution, in which our customized deployment procedures are specifically designed to remove complexity and avoid internal disruption.
  • No Capital Investment Required - securedigitalTM is simple to implement, integrates with the firm's existing network environment and requires no expenditures in equipment or infrastructure modification.
  • No Monthly/Annual Equipment Charges - Unlike the competition, securedigitalTM does not bill per e-mail communication sent/received, per e-filing submission, or per e-document delivery transmission. All Digital Certificates, regardless of quantity required, are supplied to professionals, staff, and the firm's entire client/customer base "free of charge".
  • Free Equipment & Software Upgrades - As advancements in technology occur, securedigitalTM is committed to providing, at no additional cost, the most current "state of the art" equipment and software product upgrades to its customer base.
  • Full Technical Service and Support - as part of the securedigitalTM "total solution", full technical support, training and service are included at no additional cost.
  • Maximum Security - securedigitalTM provides for "point to point" encryption in all e-mail communications. For your protection, all information transmissions are never stored on our servers. Total security is in your hands - as e-mail messages are encrypted at the point of origin and decrypted at the destination point.
The most reliable, user friendly and cost effective solution to e-mail communication security available today.

Contact us to arrange a no cost, no obligation 30 DAY FREE TRIAL* - and see for yourself. A minimum two weeks advance notice is recommended.


*certain restrictions may apply